The project

Referring to the unofficial twinnings that reflect Berlin’s current immigrant population instead of the official equivalents of the city, the project explores the city’s long tradition of urban horticulture and reveals ideas of health in the widest sense: as balance and imbalance as well as on a societal and personal level, looking at how people navigate and share resources within a city.

mercoledì 22 dicembre 2010

Looking for a KGA - Part 4

Bezirksverband der Kleingärtner Schöneberg-Friedenau e.V. 
The office

Giulia waiting

The plan
People from Kleingärtner Schöneberg-Friedenau have been very kind and polite. They seemed to be very interested in our project and they said us: "We call you back!"
We are still waiting for their reply...

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